Frequently Asked Questions

Can we send in art or text about anything, or is there a certain thematic statement we must abide by?

Briefly, no. There are no themes dictating the work that you can

The theme, "Skrange Fruit," is a bit ambiguous, but the brief synopsis is: "This year's journal explores the world events that have forcefully shaped this season’s harvest."

Anything that you produce that relates to the title and the short sentence will be considered. This is a broad umbrella that allows you a bit of freedom to explore whatever you would like - grief, loss, achievement, the lockdowns, politics, religion, etc.

You can take a glance at the past volumes to see the range of work that has been submitted in the past. If there are any other queries after that you can always contact us via the contact page or email.

What is the deadline for submission?

(The deadline will be determined soon.)

How do I submit my artwork?

You can submit your artwork via Google Forms.

Is there a minimum GPA requirement to join?


When was the club launched?

You can give us birthday presents for every year since 7th September, 2023.

Do I need to pay a fee to join or submit my artwork?

Absolutely not!